Melbourne and Victoria Wide Based Criminal advice Attendance

Criminal Law is complex and Velos & Velos Criminal Lawyers can help you in any situation you may find yourself involving criminal issues.Rather than a no frills online solution, we offer tailored Legal advice specific to your legal, and financial position at a very affordable price. Our expertise can help you save on costs, position yourself for better understanding of your situation.

Court Representation

Depending on the type and kind of offences will determine which court will hear the matter. The Magistrates Court deals with both minor and serious offences. These can be street offences such as offensive behaviour, drunkeness, traffic matters and even burglary and theft offences.

The County and Supreme Courts deal with matters of a more serious matter known as Indictable or Serious Indictable offences such as Murder, Armed Robbery and Kidnapping offences.

Children under the age of 17 years are deal with at the Childrens Court which can hear all offences excluding Murder and Treason.

Standing in any court on your own or with inexperienced legal representation can lead ultimately lead to the possibility of custodial dispositions or hefty fines. It is imperative you get professional, experienced and cost effective representation. Velos & Velos Criminal Lawyers has had over 35 years of experience assisting our clients in all Courts in the land and can certainly assist you in any criminal or even traffic matter you may be involved in. Give us a call!

Why Choose a Lawyer for Criminal Representation?

If you find yourself involved with the police and require expert legal advise then look no further than Velos & Velos Criminal Lawyers.  We will provide initial advice  and steer you in the right direction regarding your matter. We have extensive knowledge in Criminal Law and can assist you at the point of police interview if required.

Velos & Velos Criminal Lawyers has experience in all the courts of the land including;

  • Magistrates Court
  • County Court
  • Supreme Court and
  • Childrens Court

Generally, a lawyer is best suited to helping guide you through the risks, legal obligations and your rights.

Let Velos & Velos Criminal Lawyers help your should you need expert Criminal Law advise and representation.

Children's Court

Children under the age of 17 years who commit offences are presented before the Children’s Court. They are also entitled to attend the Chilren’s Court in the event they exceed 17 years of age at the date of their hearing. Our lawyers at Velos & Velos Criminal Lawyers regularly represent children in this arena. Call us for further information.

Magistrates Court

The Magistrates Court deals with summary crime and traffic offences and can deal with indictable offences in a summary hearing based upon the consent of the accused. (i.e shoplifting, burglary and theft fffences) as an example. Matters involving minor assaults, criminal damage and graffiti offences are generally heard in this court.

County Court

The County Court deals with serious offences, generally those that cannot be deal with in the Magistrates Court. It deals with serious fraud matters, serious assault, armed robbery and a range of indictable and serious indictable offences. Velos & Velos Criminal Lawyers can assist in representing you at the County Court.

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court deals with very serious offence’s such as Murder, Treason and Serious Indictable offence matters Velos & Velos Criminal Lawyers have had over 35 years of experience representing clients in the Supreme Court. If you require expert, experienced lawyers to handle your case do no hesitate to contact us.

Our Criminal Services

Police Interviews

Should the need arise we can attend a police station to assist you in the interview process. It is important that you are adequately represented at the initial stages of apprehension to ensure you get fair treatment and know what to say to the police under these circumstances.

With our help, you can avoid the common legal pitfalls that many face and save yourself considerable money, time, and stress. 

Attending the various courts.

We can help you by attending the various courts from the Childrens Court right through to the Supreme Courts. I years of experience have enabled us to totally grasp the court process, rules of evidence and full representation and guidance.

Or do you just need advice?

Even if you are in the initial stage of your matter, speak to us and get advice from the experts about how this will impact you. Legal details can be complex, and the risks associated with these legal obligations are important to understand.

We Simplify the Entire Process

With our expert help, handling criminal matter is easy to us. transfers are easy. So rather than risk costly mistakes, speak to us today about any criminal matter you may be experiencing.

We help you by: 

  • Giving you advice specific to your circumstances
  • Attending police interviews
  • Taking full instruction on your case
  • Liaising with the police
  • Attending pre court meetings / hearings
  • Representing you at any forthcoming court hearings